Snowy country road in a forest

Remember When: A Long Thrilling Trip To Adventure ‘68

From Ironwood to the Soo in four days!

That’s the aim of eight hearty Hiawathaland wintertime travelers who will attempt a rugged course across 400 miles Michigan’s wild, snow-covered upper peninsula, winding up at Sault Ste. Marie’s fun and frolic celebration dubbed “Adventure 68”.

Eight new snow machines led by a veteran trail boss will leave Ironwood in Gogebic County at 8 AM, Saturday, January 27, in an unprecedented trek that is already capturing the interest of Michigan’s world of snowmobiling.

The safari-like adventure will take the men through cut over wooded areas, up and down tree-covered climbs and over tangled streams, much of which is seen only from a distance by the cautious traveler.

Big boss of the eight county push is Hiawathaland’s “Mr. Snowmobiler” Ray Frieberg, of Marquette — a man who has practically conquered the wilds of the upper peninsula with both hands.  If he gets lost in the forest, he battles the elements and enjoys giving his friends the details around a hot stove.

Michigan Upper Peninsula

With Ray on the icy jaunt will be seven members of the Hiawathaland Snowmobile Club, Inc.:  Bob Davis, Jim Bucholtz, Mike Bodenus, and Ray Ranta, all of Marquette; Danny Koski, of Eagle Mills,; and William Hill and J.D. Piar. Both of Negaunee.

The men will be driving eight new machines, four Ski-Doos, an Arctic Cat, a Sno-Jet, a Scorpion and a Polaris.

First stop after leaving Ironwood will be at Bruce Crossing in Ontonagon County, and then into Houghton County and on to Baraga County where the crew will bed down at L’Anse.  From Baraga County through Marquette, the trail boss will be in homeland territory and expects no difficulty pushing on along winter-angry Superior into Alger County and to Munising for the second night’s rest.

At Munising, Frieberg enlisted the help of Ted Belfry to chart the rugged terrain through Schoolcraft County and on to Newberry.  Belfry is one of the big guns of the North American Snowmobile Championship races set this year for Munising, February 9-11.  He’s a hard-working member of the United States Snowmobile Association.

At Newberry, Ray Knauf, of Knauf Chevrolet, a Polaris snow machine dealer and spark plug in Luce County snow machine activities, has joined the charting process.  Knauf helped the trail boss work out a route to Big Mac and the St. Ignace area.  From the straits, the travelers will swing northeast through Chippewa County on their final push to the Soo.

Each member of the crew has tossed one hundred dollars into the trail-ride financial pot, but they anticipate some will be left for future rides.  There are no other sponsors of the safari.

The ride is by no means a publicity stunt, nor a machine maker’s advertising gimmick. 

Ray Frieberg and his men will chart a permanent snowmobile trail from Ironwood along the 400-mile sweep to the Sault, a route which they hope will receive active use by future snowmobilers.  A finished map of the trail will find hundreds of uses by individuals as well as various state agencies.

Trail boss Frieberg says they may not make the run in the allotted four days, but he is confident they will reach the Soo in less than a week.  And hen it is all over, you will find him around a hot stove giving his friends a day by day rundown on his long, thrilling trip to Adventure ’68. •

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